Trois enfants de Dhorpatan et la « Conscience Primary School »
En octobre 2016, pendant les vacances de Dassain, Martine BUISSIER, Pierre et Monique CHANTREL sont allés à Dhorpatan accompagnés de trois enfants originaires de ce village mais scolarisés dans une école de Nayapati près de Katmandou. C’était leur première visite. Jalmati retrouvait son papa qu’elle n’avait pas revu depuis 18 mois, Gorey et Kopila retrouvaient leur grand frère et leur village qu’ils avaient quitté un an auparavant.
Pierre CHANTREL vous propose cette vidéo retraçant ce voyage plein d’émotion.
Children of Dhorpatan and Conscience Primary School
In october 2016 ,during Dassain Festival, Martine BUISSIER, Pierre and Monique CHANTRELwent to Dhorpatan ,along with 3 children from this village who are educated in Conscience Primary School, a Nayapati boarding school near Katmandu.
It was their first visit after some time. Jalmati was meeting her father again;she had not seen him for 18 months. Gorey and his sister Kopila were seeing their elder brother and their village after one year.
Pierre CHANTREL offers you this video which relates this trip full of emotion.
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